Taking a cue from one of my favourite bloggers, Liz at
Beauty Reductionista, I thought I'd try posting once in a while about random things going on in my life, beauty-related and not. Vancouver has been having a miserable summer of rain and wind with the occasional sunny day, but I think summer has finally arrived
(in July! Can you believe it?) as of this past Wednesday/Thursday. I bought Neutrogena sunscreen in SPF 60 weeks and weeks ago in anticipation of summer, and can actually start using it now for the bright sunny days ahead.
Speaking of skin care, I may have gone on a minor (ahem) spree when Marcelle was on sale recently, mostly cleansers and makeup removers. Not pictured: Marcelle Essentials Gentle Makeup Remover, Renforcils Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover, and my second bottle of Cleansing Water. Hopefully I can get around to reviews soon (spoiler alert: I'm loving everything.)
I saw Brave with bff and absolutely loved it. We went in with high expectations and were very pleased with the film. It's not exactly the most original premise (the first half of the movie is pretty much The Little Mermaid) but the delivery was funny and touching (not to mention visually-stunning). As someone who doesn't always see eye-to-eye with her mom, Merida's relationship with her mother pulled at all kinds of heartstrings for me. Will definitely be buying it on Blu-Ray when it comes out.
I graduated! (Small voice) although I don't really feel like an adult yet. It was a total gong show (so busy!) and my name was mispronounced "Angelina", but it feels awesome to be finished. My tips if you are convocating soon: wear low/comfortable heels, and make sure your cell phone battery is charged. My phone died midway through the ceremony and I was bored to death. Plus it was really difficult to find my family afterwards with no way to contact them, since I didn't know where they were sitting.
Recently some fellow Vancouver bloggers decided to have a fashion challenge to style shorts. The other week on a rare sunny day, I managed to make off with a few photos before my camera battery completely died. Looking at the photos at home, I thought they weren't bad until--wait a minute why is my arm not in the sleeve? Forget fashion challenge, clearly the task of putting on clothes properly is already challenging enough for me. Maybe wearing cardigans with only one arm in the sleeve can become a new trend? Erm. Check out the ladies who actually did this successfully: Jordana, Sarah, Sheila (there is a picture of me wearing my cardigan properly there).
Last thing which is not really about me but perhaps you would like to know: FYI Nail Polish Canada is giving away a lifetime (25-year) supply of CND Shellac to whoever gives the best explanation of how winning a lifetime supply of lacquers that promise to stay chip-free for 2 weeks will change their life. I'm still thinking of a super compelling reason to sway the judges at Nail Polish Canada and public voters myself. You can read up on the details here (open to Canada and US).
How's your summer going? Will you be rocking the one-arm-in-the-sleeve-only look?