Friday, May 2, 2014

LUSH Mother's Day 2014

With Mother's Day coming up next Sunday, many of us are thinking about how to show our appreciation to the moms in our lives. Like so many mothers out there, my mom went without a lot of indulgences to raise my brother and I, so I usually use Mother's Day and other special occasions as an excuse to spoil her with things she wouldn't do or buy for herself.

This year, LUSH has eight limited edition goodies for us to lavish on our moms. I'm featuring the three products that are brand-new to the LUSH lineup, but you can take a look at the full collection of products and gift sets here.

Rose bubble bar ($4.95 CAD / 48g) - rose lover alert: this vegan bubble bar is packed with the fragrance of rose and lemon to create a "rose-filled voyage" while rosehip oil and cocoa butter soften the skin. This one features a "condensed" formula that allows the user to split one bar over two baths, or use the entire bar in one super luscious, bubbly bath. I bet there are a lot of moms that would rather have a dozen of these than a bouquet of roses!

Inhale Exhale bath bomb ($5.35 CAD / 88g) - Inhale Exhale features two parts that represent the two sides to the Breath of God Gorilla Perfume. Inhale (pink side) dissolves first, infusing the bath with an uplifting fragrance of rose and neroli, before Exhale (blue side) kicks in with incense-inspired cedarwood. This bath bomb is extra long-lasting due to the slower-dissolving Exhale, and is designed to create a deeply relaxing, meditative soak.

Wonder Woohoo bubble bar ($6.95 CAD / 100g) - I really loved the idea of this one when I realized that the gold triangle shape and orange star was a reference to Wonder Woman's tiara! Superhero-like stamina and patience definitely describes a lot of the moms I know. This bubble bar has the same Brazilian orange and sandalwood oil scent of The Sun Gorilla Perfume, with the added bonus of gold luster to create a golden, glimmering bath.

Which of these would you treat your mom to? If you're a mom, don't forget to treat yourself too--it's not too late to start dropping hints, either!

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